Supervising adult. Ishi is the man behind the curtain who keeps the team running. When he is awake, Ishi is a mentor and teacher to all.


1404B Aaron is a hard working

1404B We are all wearing his sweater because we can't afford apparel.

1404Y Public relations, website/social media, designer, drive team. Tinson has the finesse, know-how and organization tackle any job.

1404Y Lead builder, drive captain. Ahmed and his leadership and dedication stand out. Ahmed tackles new endeavors with his out of the box thinking.

1404Y Builder, drive team. Daniel is always on hand and working away to smooth out any lumps in the creative process.

1404Y Lead programmer. Young is curious and inquisitive, always shedding light on problems with his keen eye for detail.

1404Y Social media. Kevin is very social and lightens the mood at team meetings and can always think of a better solution to problems.

1404Y Programmer, builder, . Henry is always enthusiastic about the work he does and he excels at spreadsheets. Aw sheet.